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  • JM Jordan

6 tips to combat writer's block

Updated: Feb 20, 2021

When you see a blank page and nothing is connecting. Let me tell you how I overcome writers block.

  1. Step away for a little while. Take a break and get re-focused.

  2. Write a list of random words or thoughts. This may jar your mind and inspire you, or give you a new idea.

  3. Talk to a friend with similar interests and bounce ideas off of each other. They may help you discover new ideas for your story.

  4. Just start typing the first thing off the top of your head. This may allow you to write yourself out of your block.

  5. Go to sleep. Let your mind rest and maybe by the next day you will be rejuvenated and overcome the block.

  6. Let your subconscious have a crack at it. Walk away and don't think about it. Your mind will be working on the problem in the back ground.

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